Supported by APCEIU UNESCO, BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi Hosts Student Summit on Global Citizenship Education; Encouraging Students to be More Active and Think Critically
Producing students who are active and critical thinkers is one of the learning objectives at BINUS SCHOOL. To encourage this, BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi, supported by The Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), held a Student Summit on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) from March 7-8, 2023.
This Student Summit was attended by 44 students and 11 teachers from 11 schools. It also involved competent speakers, including Chief Researcher at HURIGHTS OSAKA, Jefferson Plantilla, Resident-Artist and Teacher at the Phillippine Educational Theater Association, Lea Espallardo, Biology Teacher at BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi, Nugroho P. Sumanto, Secretary of Environmental Office Bekasi, Kiswatiningsih, Head of Dinamika Bekasi School, Nasruddin, Director of Education & Entertainment at Green Welfare ID, Ignatia Doringin.
During the two-day event, the participants followed a series of workshops and talk shows related to global and local issues, such as an in-depth understanding of GCED, global waste management, and topics related to the Bantargebang Integrated Waste Management Site (TPST).
The Principal of BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi, Maria Karah R. Gregorio, hopes that through this Student Summit, students’ critical thinking skills will be stimulated, while also shortlisting solutions to existing problems. At the same time, for students to become responsible future leaders and good citizens of this world.
“Through this activity, students will learn about GCED along with experts. Through GCED we aim to produce students who are aware of the steps they need to take towards becoming a sustainable society,” said Karah.
APCEIU is a UNESCO category two established by an agreement between the South Korean government and UNESCO to promote and develop GCED, with the aim of encouraging everyone to be more active globally and locally in building peaceful and inclusive societies.
One of the participants in the Student Summit, who is also a student at BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi, Esa, shared that they have gained new knowledge, especially regarding local environmental issues that can have global impact.
“I learned a lot here, such as how environmental issues like waste can have a significant impact if not managed properly. Then we were also invited to provide solutions to the problems, and this will certainly be very beneficial for us,” said Esa.
The Student Summit is a joint programme developed by the Student Council at BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi and the 7th Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED Mentorship & Grant Competition 2022 APCEIU.
In addition to workshops and talk shows, this programme also encouraged participants to be more creative through the creation of social and environmental-themed posters, the creation of an Action Plan, and the Reels Challenge. This series of activities is also a form of commitment from BINUS SCHOOL Education to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiated by the United Nations (UN).
Congratulations to both BINUS SCHOOL Serpong and BINUS SCHOOL Simprug for their outstanding performances in the project presentation during the recent Student Summit on Global Citizenship Education. BINUS SCHOOL Serpong won first place while BINUS SCHOOL Simprug secured the second position!