After 5 Intensive Days, Harvard Crimson Scholars Program Ends, Students Leave Empowered and Inspired

After five intensive workshop days, The Harvard Crimson Scholars Program has officially ended. This program is a collaboration between BINUS SCHOOL Education and Learn with Leaders, aimed at developing future leaders.

Attended by 33 BINUSIANS from Simprug, Serpong, and Bekasi, these BINUSIANS have shown extreme enthusiasm in the series of workshop sessions mentored by not one, but for Harvard University college students!

The Principal of Middle and High School BINUS SCHOOL Serpong, Ms. Sherrierose Garcia Gonzales, hopes all students who participated in this program enjoyed all the activities and got to bring something beneficial for their future. “I hope everyone had so much fun, and I hope you also learned something during these five days that you can take back to your school. Hopefully, there will be a next one soon,” Ms. Sherrie said.

For five days, students were asked to participate in various activities to sharpen their leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills through their choice of societal problem in a group setting.

On the last day of the program, BINUSIANS were given the opportunity to present their ideas on global issues and potential solutions, which helped to improve their analytical and public speaking skills.

One of the participants in the Harvard Crimson Scholars Program from BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi, Jacqueline, said she had a great time participating in all the activities, from workshops and debates to essay writing training. “I got a lot of new information and insight, which is very beneficial for the future. I also received training in public speaking and debate, these were so fun and interesting! On top of that, we received special training on how to write college entrance essays and personal guidance from Harvard mentors. What could be better than these, right?!” Jacqueline said.
